Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Modern Day Slavery: A Both/And

How is it possible that we simultaneously vehemently oppose, while also support modern slavery? This is because as consumers, we are all implicated in modern slavery. Every supply chain in the world: food, transportation, clothing, etc., involves slave labour at some level. We heard this sobering fact at the 8th annual event in the Mary Robinson Speaker Series on Business & Human Rights in New York City. The topic was: “Modern slavery in the Americas: From here to elimination." The keynote speaker, Leonardo Sakamoto, President, Repórter Brasil (http://reporterbrasil.org.br/), left us with some challenges. Two business challenge to advocate for are: 1) to collaborate among nations and among sectors to establish binding international laws that uphold human rights for all. Otherwise, businesses can continue to shift their production lines from one country to the next in search of cheap, or even slave labour; 2) to shift the understanding of corporate responsibility from charitable donations, to address human rights violations within borders and within companies that operate both nationally and internationally. Of course, transformation of our personal and communal consumer attitudes and behaviours are key. 
Leonardo Sakamoto, President, Repórter Brasil

UN/NGO Representatives with Mary Robinson (Centre)

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